this recipe comes from an old friend in seattle whose mom taught me to play the piano. this variation on a quesadilla has quickly become a favorite in my book because it is easy, fast, and delicious.
1 can fire-roasted tomatoes, drained
mozzarella cheese (i prefer a 50-50 mix with feta)
3-4 chicken tenderloins or two chicken breast, cubed
salt & pepper
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
olive oil
cook the chicken. while the chicken is cooking, drizzle some olive oil in pan and cook the garlic for a minute. add the fire-roasted tomatoes and cooked chicken to the garlic and shake some oregano, s&p, basil, any other desired spices over it. let the mixture simmer for a couple of minutes. in another pan, lightly drizzled with olive oil, lay your tortilla down and cover it with a layer of cheese. add some of the tomato mixture on top, then sprinkle more cheese over that, laying another tortilla on top. cook. flip. cook. lunch/snack/dinner in 10 minutes.

quick note on the tortillas. the best of the best in my opinion are the uncooked tortillas found at costco. but with two people and 44 tortillas, we run into problems. so i have started to divide the tortillas into groups of 6-7, put in gallon sized ziploc bags, and then freeze all but one group. when i start to run out, i just pull a bag out of the freezer and they are ready to go in a few hours. mm, delicious.